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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
30 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

A visit to the Wolverhampton Art Gallery on the August Bank Holiday Monday

On the August Bank Holiday Monday, 28th August 2023, I travelled to Wolverhampton, by train, for a visit to the Wolverhampton Art Gallery. Free entry. The entrance now on the side via St Peter's Walk. One early highlight was seeing the Maquette of King Kong. There was also a see-saw sculpture on the first floor. After a look around, had coffee and lunch in the Glaze cafe.

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A visit to the Wolverhampton Art Gallery on the August Bank Holiday Monday

On the August Bank Holiday Monday, 28th August 2023, I travelled to Wolverhampton, by train, for a visit to the Wolverhampton Art Gallery. Free entry. The entrance now on the side via St Peter's Walk. One early highlight was seeing the Maquette of King Kong. There was also a see-saw sculpture on the first floor. After a look around, had coffee and lunch in the Glaze cafe.

Wolverhampton Art Gallery was funded and built by Philip Horsman (1825-1890). It opened in 1884. The two storey building was designed by Birmingham architect Julius Chatwin (1829-1907). The Victorian building is Grade II* listed, and a modern extension later built in 2006-07, along with a refurbishment.

As of 2023, the main entrance on Lichfield Street is closed, it is an emergency exit only. The entrance is now near St Peter's Gardens on St Peter's Walk.

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A portrait of local businessman, Philip Horsman, who founded Wolverhampton Art Gallery in 1885. It was painted by George Phoenix (1863-1935).

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The main staircase from the hallway, has a mixture of art from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. It leads up to the galleries on the first floor.

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Likeness Guaranteed by David Mach (b.1956), made in 1995. Welded metal coathangers.

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Standing Relief VI 1958 by Frederick Edward McWilliam (1909-1992), made in 1972. Bronze.

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St Cecilia by Atri Cecil Brown (1906-1982) dates to the 1940s. Bronze.

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King Kong by Nicholas Monro (1936 - 2022). Fibreglass maquette of King Kong made in 1971. 

The full-sized replica stood for six months in Birmingham City Centre, during 1972, before being sold. A replica of the 20ft full-sized sculpture could be seen in the pop-up 'King Kong Park' during the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. The replica was created by 3D scanning this maquette.

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End of Empire, 2016. By Yinka Shonibare CBE (b. 1962). Mixed media. Commemorates one hundred years since the First World War. Two figurative sculptures dressed in clothing of 19th century aristocrats sit on a 'see-saw'.

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This is the new main entrance from St Peter's Walk. Straight ahead is the gift shop. Plus a lot of helpful staff.

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Adam by Sir Charles Wheeler (1892-1974). Dates to the mid 1900s. Bronze.

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Rock Form (Porthcurno) by Dame Barbara Hepworth DBE (1903-1975). Made in 1964. Bronze, Edition of 6. Cast No. 5. On loan from the Royal Bank of Scotland.

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This is our Love and it Knows no Division. An exhibition presenting works by fifteen British artists in response to ‘the beautiful game’. Art in this room related to football.
Some objects from Joe Lycett. Including a magazine with David Beckham on the cover that he shredded on TV.

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Community Picks. Things in this room for kids to play with on their visit. Saw a large Campbells Condensed Tomato Soup can. Was also a frieze on the wall to the right.

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Old Masters. 18th century paintings, on this room on the first floor. Was also a piano in here. Probably used for functions or events.

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Another gallery on the first floor. Various objects, and paintings dating to the 19th century. One in the middle had an image of Dante on it.

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A mixture of modern art in this first floor gallery. One painting from 2020 reminds you of the pandemic with the face masks.

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After a look around the art gallery, it was time to check out Glaze the Eating Space at the Gallery. I first had a coffee, as it was before 12pm, wasn't too busy then. Then after noon I ordered a sandwich, which came with salad. Got a bit more busier with families by then.

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Hope you enjoyed this look around Wolverhampton Art Gallery.


Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Rivers, lakes & canals
24 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

The changing face of the Digbeth Branch Canal in Eastside

There is major changes in the area around the Digbeth Branch Canal in Eastside, Birmingham. Between the Ashted Tunnel south eastern entrance and the Curzon Street Tunnel northern entrance. Birmingham City University built there Eastside campus nearby during the 2010s. Now HS2 is underway and Glasswater Locks too.

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The changing face of the Digbeth Branch Canal in Eastside

There is major changes in the area around the Digbeth Branch Canal in Eastside, Birmingham. Between the Ashted Tunnel south eastern entrance and the Curzon Street Tunnel northern entrance. Birmingham City University built there Eastside campus nearby during the 2010s. Now HS2 is underway and Glasswater Locks too.

Ashted Tunnel south eastern entrance, Ashted Lock's 2 and 3

The February 2011 view from Belmont Row. There was bulrushes growing next to Ashted Lock no  3. The land towards Lawley Middleway, had probably had demolition on it during the 2000s. Nothing would happen there until 2023!

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By March 2018, on the section towards the Belmont Row Bridge, near Ashted Locks 2 and 3, you could see the completed Birmingham City University buildings, University Locks, Curzon B, and the Curzon Building. The Lock Keepers Cottage was also restored. The towpath entrance / exit to Belmont Row was still open from this side, but still quite narrow. Wide enough for horses and people.

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By September 2019, half of the brick wall on the right had been demolished, with fencing up. Meanwhile, it was before Belmont Row Works got restored, and you could also see the Unite the Union / Eastside Rooms building (later completed in 2020).

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As of August 2023, Glasswater Locks is under construction between Jennens Road, Lawley Middleway and Penn Street, with the Digbeth Branch Canal on one side. The towpath entrance from the Belmont Row Bridge is closed.

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Belmont Row Bridge, Ashted Lock's 4 and 5 to Curzon Street Bridge

The view from the Belmont Row Bridge in February 2011. You could clearly see the pool of water to the right of Ashted Lock's 4 and 5. Work on the Curzon Building wouldn't begin to the right until about 2013, two years later. Curzon Street was still visible ahead.

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The new steps from the Digbeth Branch Canal to Belmont Row and University Locks of Birmingham City University was open by September 2019.

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There is a new entrance to the Digbeth Branch Canal from Belmont Row. To the left is student accommodation at University Locks (built 2015-16). To the right is the Curzon Building (built 2013-15), along with Curzon B (built 2016-18), all part of Birmingham City University. Seen during August 2023.

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Curzon Street Bridge, Ashted Bottom Lock to Curzon Street Tunnel northern entrance

This was what the Digbeth Branch Canal looked like between Curzon Street and the Curzon Street Tunnel in February 2011, long before HS2. There used to be a modern towpath exit up the the road near the railway, above the tunnel, this was open as late as 2018.

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There used to be a circular area with benches, close to Curzon Street, as seen below in April 2017. It could have been used to move horses around in a circle with their rope attached to the narrowboat. Also the towpath exit used to lead to the road above the Curzon Street Tunnel. HS2 had closed this off by 2019 or 2020.

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A now impossible shot from September 2018, I went up the towpath to the land above the Curzon Street Tunnel to look at the Birmingham City University buildings beyond Curzon Street. Access up here was still open into 2019, before HS2 eventually hoarded if off. Wasn't much up there, with land fenced off. This was before HS2 demolished the Curzon Gate student accommodation, in the way of the line in 2019.

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By September 2019, the land above the Curzon Street Tunnel had been hoarded off by HS2, although the towpath ramp was still open, it didn't lead anywhere any more, other than above the tunnel.

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As of August 2023, Annatomix is working on finishing her mural for HS2 on the left, not far from the Ashted Bottom Lock. No longer access to the towpath exit above the tunnel now. But the towpath through the tunnel towards Fazeley Street is still open.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown History & heritage
21 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

Visit to the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in Coventry

I went to the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in Coventry on the 17th August 2023. Mainly to see Dippy the dinosaur again, 5 years after he was at BM & AG Gas Hall. Also the Work on Walls street art exhibition. The general content too, Peeping Tom and Lady Godiva. Various objects, sculpture and art were nice to see as well.

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Visit to the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in Coventry

I went to the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in Coventry on the 17th August 2023. Mainly to see Dippy the dinosaur again, 5 years after he was at BM & AG Gas Hall. Also the Work on Walls street art exhibition. The general content too, Peeping Tom and Lady Godiva. Various objects, sculpture and art were nice to see as well.

The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is located at Jordan Well in Coventry, between Bayley Lane, Priory Street and University Square. It can be approached from Earl Street, if walking past the Coventry Council House.

The art gallery & museum was founded by Sir Alfred Herbert (1866 - 1957). Who ran his company Alfred Herbert Ltd, one of the world's largest manufacturers and distributors of machine tools. He donated funds for the building of a museum in 1938, work began in 1939, but was stopped by the outbreak of WW2. After the war he donated more funds, then laid the foundation stone in 1954. But had died three years before it opened in 1960.

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A modern extension was built from 2005 to 2008 as part of a refurbishment programme. The covered court is where from 2023, Dippy the dinosaur is staying for three years (from the Natural History Museum, London). Dippy in Coventry opened in February 2023.

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I booked in to see Dippy at 12pm on 17/08/2023. Although was upstairs before this point, spent a few minutes getting more photos of the Diplodocus life cast skeleton, that I'd seen back in June 2018 at Gas Hall in the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery.

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Work on Walls

There is several rooms over the summer of 2023, with street art on the walls, part of the Work on Walls exhibition.


Coventry Dinosaur

One room has art by Andy Council in tribute to Dippy the Dinosaur's stay in Coventry. The Coventry skyline as Dippy. The Coventry Dinosaur.

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The first room by Scribbleffiti, red monsters, with objects from The Herbert.

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Birmingham's own Annatomix has the second room, with her distinct origami style fox, bird and bull. Plus knives out!

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Next up is Phill Blake aka Philth. With flowery style art. That was similar to wallpaper.

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Window Artists

The final room by Window Artists. Luke Thrush and Anna Davies. They doodled on windows. And was commissioned to do a mural in Birmingham City Centre in 2020.

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Sir Alfred Herbert

Plaster bust of Sir Alfred Herbert by William Bloye, in the modern extension hall, dates to 1956.

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Portrait of Sir Alfred Herbert by Leonard Boden, dating to 1957.

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Female Head, 1959 by William Chattaway (1927 to 2019). Chattaway was born in Coventry and attended Coventry School of Art.

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Yehudi Menuhin, 1963 by David Wynne (1926 to 2014). Yehudi Menuhin was a celebrated American violinist.

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Figure (Walnut), 1964 by Barbara Hepworth (1903 to 1975). Acquired by the Herbert in 1966

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Peeping Tom

What is now Peeping Tom, was originally thought to have been a statue of St George dating to 1500. Later it became known as Peeping Tom, who spied on Lady Godiva as she rode naked through Coventry. The figure was placed in a window overlooking Broadgate where it could watch the Godiva processions. At various times it was painted and given a hat to wear! Until recently this figure was on display in the Cathedral Lanes shopping centre.

Seen below at Cathedral Lanes shopping centre in 2014, and at The Herbert in 2023, where it is today.

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Painting of Lady Godiva, dating to around 1898 by John Collier.

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Modern art

Action Stations.

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Yellow and red flag thing with stars and a large i.

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Swings with a yellow background.

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Coventry history

City of Dreams.

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London Midland Railway poster, the rebirth of Coventry Cathedral.

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Electric guitar.

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Wheels of fortune. Old bicycles including a penny farthing.

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Statue of King Henry VI. From the Tudor Coventry Cross of 1544. The new Coventry Cross of 2023, is a 3D printed version of the statue, which is now at what was Trinity Street near Broadgate (Trinity Street Gardens).

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Carving of St George and the dragon. According to local legend St George was born at Caludon Castle near Coventry. However the real St George was a Christian Roman soldier in Turkey. He was executed on 23 April 303 for refusing to persecute Christians.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Classic Architecture
10 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown
Did you know?

The Gothic on Great Hampton Street between 2016 and 2023

The Gothic was built originally as a public house at the corner of Great Hampton Street and Great Hampton Row in Hockley, Birmingham in the late 1870s. It has been a Grade II listed building since 1982. Cordia Blackswan restored the building from 2019, this was completed by 2022. King Kong Park was next to the building from July to around October 2022 (the King Kong recreation is gone).

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The Gothic on Great Hampton Street between 2016 and 2023

The Gothic was built originally as a public house at the corner of Great Hampton Street and Great Hampton Row in Hockley, Birmingham in the late 1870s. It has been a Grade II listed building since 1982. Cordia Blackswan restored the building from 2019, this was completed by 2022. King Kong Park was next to the building from July to around October 2022 (the King Kong recreation is gone).

The Gothic dates to the late 1870s, built of polychrome brick and Ruskinian dressed stone. The Gothic public house included two shops. A prominent corner site looking down Constitution Hill. The building has an octagonal turret. The building was Grade II listed in July 1982. It remained a pub until it closed down around 2001-02.

Cordia Blackswan took over the building and restoration work took place from 2019 to 2022.


The Gothic seen back in September 2016, a few years before restoration. The previous owners thought it was a good idea to paint the ground floor units in pink! Looking on Google Maps Street View, it has been like this since the 2000s.

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By February 2022, all of the scaffolding had come down and restoration of The Gothic and the other buildings was almost complete. I was heading up Great Hampton Street to check out The Blue Orange Theatre at the time. Was wet rainy weather. The Quality Works buildings to the far left.

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March 2022, and I saw this view of The Gothic from Birmingham Snow Hill Station, waiting for my train at platform 3. That modern building to the right is Hampton by Hilton Birmingham Jewellery Quarter (next to St Paul's Tram Stop).

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The Gothic and King Kong Park, July 2022. The recreated statue of King Kong was next to The Gothic from July 2022, at the beginning of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, on Great Hampton Row. I'd caught the tram that day up to St Paul's Tram Stop.

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The last we saw of King Kong at King Kong Park was during October 2022. This view from The Orelle at 103 Colmore Row, with The Gothic seen on the left.

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Early August 2023, and I approached The Gothic from Kenyon Street to Great Hampton Street. It looks like all the buildings renovations are now complete. It looks good! Also King Kong Park is long gone, and Great Hampton Row is once again open to local traffic.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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80 passion points
Elliott Brown History & heritage
07 Aug 2023 - Elliott Brown

A look inside St Chad's Cathedral

I went on my first Igers Birmingham UK photography meet at St Chad's Cathedral on 5th August 2023 at 11:30am. Plenty to see, was there over an hour and a half. We were also taken downstairs to the rooms underground. Always wanted to go inside of St Chad's, but kept missing those Birmingham Heritage Week open days. So this was a good opportunity.

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A look inside St Chad's Cathedral

I went on my first Igers Birmingham UK photography meet at St Chad's Cathedral on 5th August 2023 at 11:30am. Plenty to see, was there over an hour and a half. We were also taken downstairs to the rooms underground. Always wanted to go inside of St Chad's, but kept missing those Birmingham Heritage Week open days. So this was a good opportunity.

A selection of photos I took at St Chad's Cathedral on 5th August 2023. More from me and others can be seen at this hashtag on Instagram IGBUK Meet St Chads.


First view inside of St Chad's after arriving for the meet.

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Under the large organ.

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View to the large organ.

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This chapel contains relics of St John Henry Newman.

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The relics of St John Henry Newman along with a picture of him.

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St Edward's Chapel. The chapel was built from 1931 and opened in 1933.

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One of the stained glass windows.

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The Archbishop's throne on the alter.

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Statue of St Chad, holding a model of the three spired Lichfield Cathedral. His relics were saved from Lichfield after the Reformation, and hidden, then moved to St Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham 300 years later, once it was safe to do so.

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One of many places to light a candle. But don't light them during a mass as they will be a distraction! Also donate below.

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Monument of Bishop Thomas Walsh (1776 - 1849).  The founder of St Chad's Cathedral, he is buried in this Crypt. It was designed by A.W. Pugin, carved in Bath stone by George Myers and exhibited at the Great Exhibition in 1851.

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And now for some photos taken in the rooms underground.


The robe of Pope John Paul II. He was the first Pope since the reformation to visit the UK in 1982. While he didn't visit Birmingham, he did go to Coventry. But he met the then new Archbishop of Birmingham Maurice Couve de Murville.

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Robe of Pope Benedict XVI. He came to Birmingham in 2010, and held mass at Cofton Park, and also beautified John Henry Newman, and visited the Birmingham Oratory on the Hagley Road in Edgbaston.

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This room is called the Sacrament of Confirmation.

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Another interesting looking room with yellow walls and ceilings.

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More photos in the gallery.


Photography by Elliott Brown

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